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Specialised Training Module Biodiversity

Point of contact
Robin  Faivre
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
18, avenue Edoaurd BELIN
31400 Toulouse
Phone: +33 5 61 28 22 54

This action is part of a series of actions in the continuity of existing or programmed work. The rationale consists of creating a whole series of consistent training modules on remote sensing, with the objective of producing (mainly) open education resources on remote sensing and thematic applications. The series aims at promoting and disseminating research results of the Joint Research Units (like TETIS, Montpellier, France) and more broadly of the THEIA thematic cluster, which focuses on continental surfaces.

In this action, 2-day module will be created, for e-learning or hybrid completion. Remote sensing specialists will be implicated to produce the course material.

This action aims at creating a specialized module for the use of Sentinel 1 and 2 data in a specific domain related to biodiversity for educational and vocational training. The repetitiveness of Sentinel images has led to significant advances and the development of techniques for multi-temporal approaches. These are presented and implemented on the basis of case studies. Perspectives provided by the fusion of data from other sensors and joint analysis are also discussed. The module addresses the issue of ecological continuity and “green belts”.

Methodologies used include the use of hyperspectral images, object-oriented Analysis and multi temporal treatments.

Outputs and Results

  • Online courses will be open and accessible
  • Face-to-face courses and practical work will be included in master programs or proposed in short vocational training sessions
  • Two training sessions are planned and should each be attended by at least 20 students; the material will be used for further sessions, depending on demand