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Illustrate, demonstrate and disseminate information about Copernicus data and services for different application domains

Point of contact
Heidi Seybert
Deutscher Wetterdienst
Frankfurter Str. 135
63067 Offenbach
Phone: +49 69 8062 2176

The proposed action aims at 1) creating awareness and knowledge about Copernicus data and services (CAMS and C3S) among actual and potential German users from governmental and research institutions and business entities, and 2) stimulating cooperation, exchange of experiences and networking among existing and potential users for a larger take-up of services across the country in the future.  

Users of climate information and services in Germany could benefit from new services provided at European level through the Copernicus programme. Their actual usage of European Copernicus services is still rare, especially in the public sector. Users from the Federal States and local communities have particular needs in receiving more practical information about how Copernicus CAMS and C3S could be applied for their benefit.

The action will involve a set of activities to reach the objectives, including a survey of user experiences and needs, compilation of relevant user-oriented information and good practices, organisation of interactive working groups and the publication of user-relevant online material and a brochure.

Outputs and Results

  • Production of user-friendly information material
  • Demonstration of use cases and good practices in the application of Copernicus services C3S and CAMS with focus on public sector users
  • Working groups involving different user groups, user-for-user presentations, cooperation
  • Wider dissemination of results and promotion of take-up by online and offline publications.