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Workshop on Risk Management, Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid

Point of contact
Andrea Taramelli
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale
Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48
144 Roma
Phone: +39-6-50074635

Within the frame of the action 2018-2-25, this presentation, entitled "Taller Servicio de Gestión de Emergencias Copernicus: análisis de vulnerabilidad en Panama & el Caribe ", was held on the 28 October 2022 to support the Hand-on session during the Workshop on Risk Management, Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid at the at the Technological University of Panama (27-28 October 2022, Panama City, Panama).

While the main goal of the workshop is to demonstrate the potential of the Copernicus Emergency Management Services (CEMS) in Panama and the Caribbean States the technical training session aim is to actively involve participants in training and infosessions to familiarize themselves with the various Copernicus services and products and to build capacity for consultation, collection and use of available data.

The presentation starts by describing the Copernicus Emergency Management Services and all the related products and end by explain explaining how to use a variety of Copernicus products to perform a simplified vulnerability assessment.

Please use the below-mentioned links to access the hand-on presentation.