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Workshop on Geohazard Monitoring Through Ground Motion Services

In the context of their action "Geohazards and Copernicus Downstream Applications and Services", ISPRA organizes an online training workshop on geohazard monitoring through ground motion services ("Il monitoraggio degli hazard geologici attraverso servizi operativi di ground motion basati su interferometria satellitare").

The workshop consists of five different webinars which take place between 30 September and 29 October 2021:

  1. Copernicus ground motion service at European and national level | English | 30 September 2021
  2. I servizi di ground motion in Italia, a scala regionale e nazionale | Italian | 1 October 2021
  3. La tecnica InSAR per il monitoraggio delle pericolosità geologiche | Italian | 15 October 2021
  4. Applicazioni tematiche: monitoraggio sismico, vulcanico e subsidenza | Italian | 22 October 2021
  5. Applicazioni tematiche: monitoraggio fenomeni franosi | Italian | 29 October 2021

During the first webinar on 30 September, Julia Röhrig will briefly introduce the FPCUP project, explaining the background of the project and presenting recent developments.

Please use the link given under "Related files" to access the workshop programme. On ISPRA's website, you find more information about the workshop.

If you are interested in attending in the online workshop, you can watch the live stream of the workshop on ISPRA's YouTube channel.