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Workshop on the climate and atmosphere services: applications for the environmental directives

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides continuous data and information on atmospheric composition. CAMS user workshops are an opportunity to learn from the experience of existing users of the Atmosphere Monitoring Service and hear how they apply these data to their work.

This workshop will focus on the concrete applications of the CAMS products for the Spanish private sector involved in Green Growth such as the Spanish Green Growth Group ( Prominent Spanish entrepreneurs and representatives from the private sector engage in the fight against climate change will share their views on how using CAMS products and services can contribute to Green Growth and Climate mitigation activities. By means of technical sessions and round tables with the private sector, research centers and universities and public administration as final users. The following activities are foreseen:

  • Description of the CAM service, the delivery options and the user feedback mechanisms;
  • CAMS users will share their experiences of using CAMS products and services;
  • Discussions on user uptake and improvements of the service;
  • Commercial organizations will show applications by adapting the free CAMS products in order to attract other private organizations in the use of CAMS
  • User needs reflections and proposals for future development of the service.

The workshop will be organized by CDTI. There might be some participation from other Spanish Consortium participants. The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Fish, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) will also contribute in the organization of the workshop. Also, the participation of the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) is being considered.

Outputs and Results

  • Annual workshop on the climate and atmosphere applications for the private sector
    • Presentations
    • Minutes of meeting and conclusions
    • Survey on user requirements and needs
    • Identification of main stakeholders in the private sector and national experts on Copernicus and Atmosphere and Climate
  • Article on CDTI web page