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Pre-incubation Program to Bridge Copernicus Hackathons and Start-up Creation/Incubation

Point of contact
Robin  Faivre
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
18, avenue Edoaurd BELIN
31400 Toulouse
Phone: +33 5 61 28 22 54

Following the hackathons (Copernicus hackathon or others like ActInSpace, Climathon,…) which are promoting the use of Copernicus data and tools, we will propose to the selected teams a follow-up program post the hackathon (bootcamp) in order to give a chance to selected teams to mature their idea/project and explore the possibility to further create a start-up. If this pre-incubation phase is conclusive, such projects can then join ESA BIC Sud France.                

The action consists of:

  1. Defining a detailed pre-incubation program for the selected teams that will last over 6 months, at the frequency of 1 formal meeting every month representing the steps the project team has to go through to mature their idea/concept.
  2. Proposing a unique place to host the teams that is integrated within an innovation centre in order to best assure continuity between hackathon and incubation centre, as well as the presence of experts in project development and start-ups creations.
  3. Proposing and financing a person in charge for running this program that will accompany the teams and will ensure the link between their project and their entry into the ESA BIC Sud France if the pre-incubation program concludes that their project is ready to go.

So far, 4 projects applied to this program from which 3 were selected and accepted:

  • ImagineEarth: project that using Copernicus images to raise awareness, communicate, decoration and personalized images. This entrepreneur is well knowing Copernicus and need support on business and funding aspects.
  • Data-terrae: company already create, willing to use Copernicus data to develop a new service for water quality analysis. The entrepreneur has already good business skills, and need support mainly on Copernicus ecosystem, and technical feasibility.
  • Ricola: have an idea to develop an application which will analyse the environments using Copernicus to enhance the rentabilities of small agriculture. This project is less mature than the others, the team need multi-support on business and technical points.

These start-ups will benefit from a 6-month support in their creation and business launch.

The call remains open, until 10 start-ups have been validated for participating in the incubation programme.

Outputs and Results

  • Define the pre-incubation program work plan
  • Deliver the 6 formal working meetings other the 6 months with the right experts on board
  • Host the teams in an innovation centre
  • Realise a pre-assessment review of the selected teams to gather their wishes/needs/expectations which will be the work-line during the pre-incubation program
  • Realise a post-assessment review at the exit of the program to determine with the selected teams the next steps: either to declare the end of the project or to decide the creation of a start-up and joining an ESA BIC
  • 5 teams will enter the pre-incubation program every year and will thus actively exploit Copernicus data and applications. 2 of them are expected to enter the EO market with their products