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Courses, workshops and seminars in Europe and Latin America

To organize courses, workshops and seminars (1 to 5 days of duration) in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and selected countries of Latin America, mainly in Spanish language (but also in Portuguese and English). In particular, the main objective of this action is to provide capacity building in the operational processing and scientific principles of the Copernicus data through the use of the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) software and Sentinel-1,2,3 data for different environmental applications. The trainings are tailored to different user groups, in accordance to their specific requirements. The two main target groups are (1) scientists working or studying at universities or research centres; and (2) professionals of public organisms in charge of the management of natural and agricultural resources.

This action aims at strength the nexus between the Copernicus Programme and local agencies and stakeholders in the Iberian-American area. For this purpose, in cooperation with the Spanish Ministry for the Environment (MAPAMA), it intends to make use of the already existing Iberoamerican structures and cooperation platforms in different environmental areas. In particular, in the CODIA conference of Water directors, in the network for Climate Change (RIOCC) and in the CIMHET conference of Meteorological and Hydrological Services.

Training activities are adapted to the needs and interests of the different organizations:

  • Seminars (1-2 hours) to provide an overview of the Copernicus programme and products.
  • Hands-on trainings (1-2 hours) to explain the main technical characteristics of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 platforms, as well as the visualization and download of Sentinel data through the ESA Sentinel Hub and the SNAP software.
  • Training courses (2-5 days and 16-40 hours) with theory/practice addressing different subjects: Sentinel-1, -2,and -3 data format, data search and download, image processing with SNAP, atmospheric correction (solar and thermal infrared), vegetation indices, applications for water quality monitoring, crop management, etc. Training courses will be adapted to the requirements of the different institutions.

Tutorials, presentations and other material are provided to the users during the development of the seminars or courses.

Training courses and educational material (tutorials) are organized and elaborated by the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) of the University of Valencia. The organization of the course is planned in collaboration with the host institution. Being one of the Spanish Copernicus Relays, IPL will seek the coordination with the existing Copernicus Relays (in Portugal, Argentina and Chile) for the training activities organized in these countries. The creation of new Copernicus relays in other Latin American countries will be encouraged and promoted with the partner institutions participating in the trainings.

Outputs and Results

  • Increased awareness on the Copernicus programme and services in different application domains
  • Skills for accessing and handling Sentinel 1,2,3 images and products

Capacitation of stakeholders for independent work with Copernicus data, as well as for the implementation of Sentinels processing chains for obtaining environmental information in their study areas.