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Copernicus promotion for EDUCATION (Schools and Young Researchers)

Promote the use of COPERNICUS to Educational Context, inform Students and Young Researchers about the Copernicus Services, assist in School Science Competitions in National and European Level and cultivate an Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Culture in the Cypriot Educational System.

CUT, through ERATOSTHENES Research Centre, aims to design and deliver educational workshops to students and young researchers coming from public and private schools and universities. ERATOSTHENES Research Centre, supports schools participating in national and European research competitions, with an aim to support students during their first contact with research, science and technology and encourage them to become young researchers. Through a series of specific workshops with schools from different cities and different educational levels, the objective is to inform about the use of Copernicus Data in a less complex and more fun way- for students to engage in the culture of Earth Observation!

In addition, under this action, we will deliver specific thematic workshops for university students of the departments of Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and other relative fields, in order to offer a first introduction in the opportunities offered by the set of data available from the Copernicus missions.

The objective is to engage both students and young researchers in a relatively new field in Cyprus, and stimulate interest on issues concerned with the Environmental Sciences, as Environment is the first horizontal priority of the Smart Specialization Strategy for Cyprus.

Outputs and Results

  • 10 educational workshops / presentations in cities all over Cyprus
  •  4 visits from high school students to our university
  •  Educational material in GR for students 12 to 15 and 16 to 18