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Copernicus coordination institutional Workshop

CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) is the focal point of the space activity in Spain in general (Spanish Delegation to European Space Agency and Spanish representative at the H2020 Committees) and of the satellite Earth observation activities in particular (Spanish representative at the Copernicus Committee, manager of the National Spanish Earth observation satellite, SEOSAT).

CDTI has agreements and bilateral programs with different agencies both national (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología) as well as international (NASA, DLR, CNES) and frequently holds coordination meetings with all the space actors in general and with the Copernicus stakeholders in particular.

In order to foster the Copernicus uptake and coordination, we consider of outmost importance to host a coordination workshop with the foreseen participation of these identified institutions:

  • Asociación Española de Teledetección (AET)
  • Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET)
  • Barcelona Expert Centre (BEC)
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
  • Business Incubator Centers (Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+D, Barcelona Activa SAU SPM)
  • Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)
  • Instituto Geográfico Nacional/Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (IGN/CNIG)
  • Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA)
  • Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
  • Puertos del Estado
  • Protección Civil
  • Universities: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universitat de Valencia, etc.

During the preparation of the workshop, we will also search for other possible institutions involved in the Copernicus program.

This workshop should take place at least once a year. After the first year event we will consider the necessity of holding bi-annual meetings.

The workshop will be organized by CDTI and at CDTI premises. There might be some participation from other Spanish Consortium participants.

Outputs and Results

  • Annual workshop on institutional Copernicus Uptake.
    • Presentations
    • Minutes of meeting and conclusions
  • Article on CDTI web page