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Bringing Copernicus data and services into the national policy making processes

Identify places in the existing national legislation where Copernicus products and services can further improve policy making processes.

Analyze existing legislation together with organizations in charge and assess the way different types of existing Copernicus products and services can contribute to facilitate better policy making in a limited number, prioritized policy making areas.

Copernicus-derived information can be complementary to in situ information, which public administrations are already handling, and be used for reporting purposes such as the national reporting on the quality of air, quality of water and the impact of urbanization which increase the risk due to environmental hazards.

The assessment of territorial development policies could be definitely enriched by using satellite derived information. The measurement of urban zones development is helpful for green infrastructure assessment, for local biodiversity threatened by the artificialization of landscapes. This information can help urban and land planning actors to monitor the accomplishment of authorized urban planning directives, to forecast new urbanization trends and needs and to help them in their decision making process regarding the regional and local application of spatial and environmental politics.

The information generated by Copernicus Management Service can be used as supplied (digital or printed maps outputs). It may be further combined with other data sources (digital feature sets in a geographic information system). In both cases it may support geospatial analysis and decision making processes of emergency managers.

The methods which will be used for promoting the importance of using Copernicus data in local and regional management authorities include: dialogs with public managers, visits to local administrators, thematic presentations, gap analysis, cost-benefit analysis, impact studies.

The action will be implemented by Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) and Meteo Romania (METEORO)

Participants from Romania (target group)

  • Ministry of Environment;
  • Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds;
  • Ministry of Interior Affairs;
  • Other participants will be involved if necessary

Outputs and Results

  • One report for each of the thematic fields being assessed (i.e. land monitoring, atmosphere monitoring, emergency response, security, etc.)
  • Workshop reports
  • Meeting minutes
  • Regulatory act draft / project for each thematic field addressed.