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Study on the Finnish Agricultural Monitoring System

Point of contact
Markus Törmä
Finnish Environment Institute - SYKE
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki
Phone: +358-29-295251713

In Finland, the management of agricultural subsidies of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union is the responsibility of the Finnish Food Authority (FFA). FFA is responsible for both making the payments to the final beneficiaries and controlling that no undue payments are made. The controls in Finland are currently carried out as various cross checks between farmers’ applications and FFA register data, but also as on-the-spot-checks in the field.

This current system for controls is in need of development. The new system should not only be more cost efficient but also faster, in order to enable FFA to make payments on time. This study will aid these objectives by providing information based on remote sensing for the control process. The more specific aims are

  • the classification of tillage practices
  • the classification of crop types and
  • the search of anomalous parcels.